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The Best Manifestation Practice in the World

The Best Manifestation Practice in the World

In a world often full of challenges, maintaining a positive emotional state despite external circumstances can seem daunting. Yet, true manifestation starts with cultivating joy from within, rather than waiting for external validation. By committing to feeling good without being attached to specific outcomes, you unlock a deeper, more stable happiness. The key is to embrace the practice of feeling good for its own sake, which empowers you to shape your reality from a place of inner contentment. So, choose to feel good today and every day, and watch how your reality begins to reflect that choice.


Feeling good, even if the world is giving you no reason to do so, is the best manifestation practice that there will ever be. Because that is literally what manifestation is. To practice a feeling that is denied by the world as well as your physical sense. 


If you decide to feel good for no reason and you persist in that, you will soon have plenty of reasons to feel good. Your obstacle is to be attached to what you want to manifest. It is a self-created obstacle, but nonetheless, it is an obstacle. 


Being attached will make it hard for you to feel good because you will be too busy looking for reflections that confirm that your desire is being manifested. You will make the feeling conditional to outside world validation. 


When you see no signs of your desire being reflected, you will go from feeling good in your heart, to: hmm, where's my desire, and why is this not working for me? You go from feeling a feeling that implies you already have what you desire to feeling lack. Only because you are attached to what you want to manifest. 


You must be attached to nothing, but you own heart if you want to experience heaven on earth. 


So please, do this one thing... Today and tomorrow and also just for the rest of your life... feel good... Make feeling good your main practice of life. 


It's the most simple thing in the world to be happy. You just have to put no conditions on feeling good. Instead, feel good because you are the boss and the creator of your reality. 


So go on, go ahead, put a smile on your face, and feel good in your heart now. 

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