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11 things you NEED to understand

11 things you NEED to understand

In life, certain truths often go unspoken, yet they hold the key to personal growth and success. Whether it's about keeping your victories private or learning to appreciate what you already have, these 11 principles are essential to navigating the complexities of life. From understanding the value of hard work to recognizing when it's time to let go, these insights will not only guide you but also challenge you to elevate your mindset and approach to achieving your goals.


1. When you're winning, keep your mouth shut. 

2. Don't tell people your plans, wait until the results speak for themselves. 

3. Never expect to get what you give. Not everyone had a heart of flesh. 

4. Every day you wake up, you have a new job to be better than yesterday. 

5. You will never get what you want, until you are grateful for what you have. 

6. Sometimes what you're holding on to is exactly what you should let go of. 

7. If you want to buy things without looking at the price, work without looking at the clock. 

8. The universe puts people in your life for a reason, and removes them from your life for a better reason. 

9. The devil wouldn't be attacking you so hard, if there wasn't something valuable in you. Thieves don't break into empty houses. 

10. You're going to set a lot of people off when you start doing what's best for you. 

11. You will lose a lot of friends when you get really serious abut your life goals. 


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