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Tune into Abundance to Attract New Experiences

Tune into Abundance to Attract New Experiences

Tune in to the frequency of abundance to draw new experiences to you... 


Study abundant people. Learn from others' experiences, characteristics, actions, sacrifices, and mistakes. Be inspired by their success stories, and consider how you can apply them to your life. 


Write down the thoughts that an abundant person thinks. A self starter makes things happen. They learn from their mistakes and modify their behaviors. Look at the emotional states they live by, and spend time living as that person. 


Write down every thought that stands in the way of you and your future. Become aware of how you speak, what you say, and how you act. Notice when you complain, blame, or judge so those thoughts no longer slip by your awareness again. 


Give. What you give is what you receive. Whether it's clothes you no longer wear, spare change, or extra food, practice giving things away to start the movement and flow in your life. 


Cue your environment. Put reminders on your dashboard and notes on your mirror. Print photos of dream vacations. Remind yourself where you're going so it catches your attention and breaks your normal routine. 


Create goals. Define what you want to accomplish and establish realistic timelines. Set short- and long-term goals that help you stay in alignment with your vision. 


Break away from your routine. Spend time by yourself and get fired up about your future. Practice doing this every day so when you step out into your world, you feel and see things differently. 


Be ready for things to fall away. If things are not going your way, understand it's a breaking down of the old self. Consider what level of mind you should meet these challenges with, and learn from the experience. 


Get ready for more challenges. There will always be setbacks. You will often make mistakes. But as you overcome each, you'll become ready for a greater level of initiation into abundance. 

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